Work with Me

I work with undergraduate and graduate students at all levels to conduct research, prioritizing those from the University of Michigan. If you are interested in working with me, please read this page in detail, whether you are a current or prospective student.

For Current Students

[NEW] I am hiring a student research assistant on AI-related projects for Fall 2024 term. See the job description here and apply by August 30th.

If you are a student at the University of Michigan, I encourage you to take my classes (see in my teaching) as they prepare you for common skills used in my projects.

I had worked with students in two formats: 1) paid research assistant, and 2) independent study with academic credits. The first option is often project-based, and will usually have a formal announcement through Taubman College’s newsletter. The second option is opportunity-based. For the first option, they are likely to be announced in the first few weeks of the semesters, if any. For the second option, I am more likely to agree to advise an independent project if I already know that you are capable of conducting independent work and/or the project contributes to my research agenda.

Rolling Opportunity: An Open Call for Independent Student Project Proposals around Network Duality Theme; Updated by June 25th, 2024; Submit Here

I am currently accepting independent student project proposals that will advance the network duality research theme. Research is a two-way street, and I had enjoyed inspirations brought by my students in the past. Please read the link here for details. If your proposal is accepted, I will reach out and discuss the best way forward (i.e., research assistant, independent study credits, etc.).

Reference Letter

I usually write reference letters to students who have taken at least two of my courses or had actively worked with me through research assistantship or independent studies. Exceptions may be possible. If you have this intention, please come talk to me as early as possible so we can align expectations.

For Prospective Students

PhD Applicant

To apply to our Urban and Regional Planning PhD program, you do not need to seek out an advisor or create a research proposal before applying. The selection process is divided into two stages. The Faculty Admissions Committee will select some outstanding candidates from the applicant pool and faculty members with expertise in the applicant’s area are asked to evaluate these applications and indicate their availability to serve as the initial advisor. This advisor may change if the student’s interests evolve after enrollment. Our PhDs are fully funded by UMich Rackham Graduate School fellowships.

[NEW] I am highly motivated to work with a PhD student who is interested in the participatory AI direction (aka human-computer collaboration to enhance public services and citizen engagement in the planning process, most recent examples here and here) in the upcoming years. PhDs in our college are usually funded by the college, and thus all PhD admission goes through the faculty admission committee first before consulting individual faculty. I am not able to directly “hire” a PhD. Yet, if you are interested in this direction, please contact me at and apply for this admission cycle (apply in 2024 Fall, start in 2025 Fall). If it is a good fit, I will advocate for you in the admission cycle (still no garantuee in admission).

The ideal candidate should have strong CS skills and have demonstrated interests and commitments to enhance ethical and responsible use of AI, data, and technology in public sector and/or community engagement. Expertise with geospatial data and interests in network methodology are bonus points but not required.

[NEW] If you are a underrepresented student from the United States and want to apply for UMich Urban and Regional Planning PhD, check out The Future Planning Scholars Program. International applicants should consider applying to the virtual Pre-Doctoral Workshop for Underrepresented Students of Color and LGBTQIA+ Students, or the International Planning Students Workshop, both held by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.

MURP Applicant

To apply to our Urban and Regional Planning Master program, you do not need to seek out an advisor. I do not have Graduate Research Assistantships (tuition included kind) funding available at the moment. Rackham Graduate School administers application fee waivers if you fit certain criterions, though this is unlikely to be available to international students.